
Dear clients,

Itasca International, Inc., is pleased to announce that Charles E. Fairhurst has been chosen to succeed Loren Lorig as Chief Executive Officer of the company effective January 2, 2017. Dr. Fairhurst will be an excellent fit for Itasca on many counts—his outstanding skill at managing people, familiarity with current business practices, and globally minded outlook. He also shares Itasca’s core values of uncompromising attention to quality, passion for learning and innovation, and shared responsibility for business as an employee-owned company.

The European Itasca team

puce Consulting

Itasca Consultants AB (Sweden) has conducted regional-scale stress modeling of the Stockholm area, as part of the design work for new metro lines. The expansion of the new metro in Stockholm includes several extensions, of which one new line in the south will pass through a number of regional large-scale structures. The magnitude and orientation of the stresses close to structures are uncertain and stress measurements are not practically possible. To increase the understanding of the rock stress situation in the southern side of Stockholm and to quantify stress conditions near these structures, a numerical stress analysis was performed. The analysis was carried out using 3DEC, in which topography and known structures were included explicitly. The model included eleven minor structures assumed to be vertical and two major structures dipping 70°. The results showed that stress re-distributions occur for a distance up to 50 m from the structures where, for example, higher or lower stress magnitudes are to be expected depending on side of the structures (hangingwall or footwall side). This work was presented at the Swedish Rock Mechanics Day ("Bergmekanikdagen") in Stockholm (March 13, 2017).


Plan view of the Stockholm area and model limits as purple boxes, structures included in green and red


Numerical model in 3DEC, perspective view to the left and cut A-A to the upper right and a zoomed-in area to the bottom left


Itasca Consultores S.L. has been modeling the transient flow through the joints of a granitic rockmass. The objective is the estimation of the inflow towards the connection gallery between two railway tunnels (160 m depth), and of the radial distribution of fluid pressure acting on the impervious lining of the main tunnels.

3DEC code has been used to simulate the flow through the joints. Figure 1 shows the pattern of blocks formed by the 3 main joint sets of the rockmass. The connection gallery is supposed to be excavated very quickly, and the boundary flow condition around the gallery is set at once (see Figure 2).


Figure 1. Pattern of blocks around the gallery


Figure 2. Boundary flow condition around the gallery

Transient flow has been simulated afterwards; Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the fluid pressure after 1 and 24 hrs of flow simulation.


Figure 3. Joint fluid pressure after 1 hr.


Figure 4. Joint fluid pressure after 24 hr.

The fluid pressure acting on the tunnel lining was extracted from the model at different distances from the junction (Figure 5), as well as the evolution of the inflow towards the gallery, that is presented in the graph of Figure 6, together with the steady-flow estimation derived from the Goodman’s formulae.


Figure 5. Joint fluid pressure (Pa) round the lining


Figure 6. Inflow vs. time flow

arrow Software

  • FLAC3D 6.0 is released on April 3rd:
    FLAC3D beta-release version 6.0 is available for download on the following page:

  • PFC 6.0 will be released in less than one month. You are invited to prepurchase the next version. Any PFC 4.0 user who upgrades his license to PFC 5.0 will receive Version 6.0 free of charge if ordered before the beginning of the pre-released period.

  • Subscribe to the Itasca Youtube channel to be informed of the latest updates: webinars, tutorials, examples made with our software, etc. :

  • Free technical support for all the licenses of FLAC version 7.0 expires on April 21st, 2017. Per our technical support policy, Itasca continues to provide free technical support for software versions for one year from the date they are superseded by the release of a new major version.

Current Updates:









arrow Training & Seminars

Itasca will host introductory training courses in Europe:

FLAC3D/Griddle Training course Gelsenkirchen and Freiberg, Germany April 3-6, 2017 Itasca Germany
PFC Training course Ecully, France June 6-8, 2017 Itasca France

Please visit for full details.

For users who envisage the need for substantial amounts of assistance, consulting support or customized training course are available.
Accordingly, users are encouraged to submit sample problems prior to the training session for our review and preparation. These problems would then be used as practical applications of the code during the training sessions.

arrow Conferences

Itasca and/or representatives will be attending the following conferences:

Deep and High Stress Mining March 28-30, 2017 Perth, Australia
2nd Road 2 Tunnel Fair May 24-26, 2017 Ankara, Turkey
World Tunnel Congress June 9-15, 2017 Bergen, Norway
Eurock 2017 June 20-22, 2017 Ostrava, Czech Republic
BCRRA 2017 June 28-30, 2017 Athens, Greece
Powders & Grains 2017 July 3-7, 2017 Montpellier, France
DGGT Fachsektionstage September 6-8, 2017 Würsburg, Germany
Workshop "Numerische Methoden in der Geotechnik" September 27-28, 2017 Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
3rd Nordic Rock Mechanics Symposium, NRMS 2017 October 11-12, 2017 Helsinki, Finland
SNAME October 11-12, 2017 Athens, Greece
3rd International Soil-Structure Interaction Symposium October 18-20, 2017 Izmir, Turkey
Congress International AFTES Paris 2017 "The value is underground" November 13-16, 2017 Paris, France
7th Geotechnical Symposium November 22-24, 2017 Istanbul, Turkey

Slope Stability 2018
Jonny Sjöberg appointed Keynote Speaker

April 11-13, 2018 Seville, Spain
Eathquake Thessaloniki Engineering June 18-21, 2018 Thessaloniki, Greece

arrow Recent Publications

Lindfors, U., D. Lope Álvarez, F. Perman, F. Johansson and B. Stille (2017) "Spänningsmodellering av storskaliga strukturer i Stockholmsområdet, in: Bergmekanikdag 2017 – Föredrag (Stockholm, March 13, 2017), pp. 81–91, Stockholm: Stiftelsen Bergteknisk Forskning — BeFo (in Swedish), 2017 (in Swedish).

Maillot, J., P. Davy, R. Le Goc, C. Darcel, and J.R. de Dreuzy -– (2016), Connectivity, permeability, and channeling in randomly distributed and kinematically defined discrete fracture network models, Water Resour. Res., 52.

Mäkitaavola, K., B-M Stöckel, J. Sjöberg, S. Hobbs, J. Ekman, M. Henschel and A. Wickramanyake – (2016) "Application of InSAR for Monitoring Deformations at the Kiirunavaara Mine". In: Proceedings ISMS 2016, 3rd International Symposium on Mine Safety, Science and Engineering (Montreal, Canada, Aug 15–17, 2016), Paper No. 250.

Perman, F., T. Wettainen, C. Gonzalo and J. Sjöberg – (2016) "Three-dimensional modeling and stress calibration for a complex mining geometry". In: Proceedings RS2016, 7th International Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress (Tampere, Finland, May 10-12, 2016), pp. 127–138. ISBN 978-951-758-606-1.

Lope Álvarez, D., J. Sjöberg, M. Eriksson, R. Bertilsson, D. Mas Ivars – (2016) "Tunnelling and reinforcement in heterogeneous ground – A case study". In: Proceedings Eight International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction (Luleå, Sweden, September 12-14, 2016), Paper No. 193.

Vatcher, J., S. D. McKinnon and J. Sjöberg (2016) – "Developing 3-D mine-scale geomechanical models in complex geological environments, as applied to the Kiirunavaara Mine", in Engineering Geology, Vol 203, pp. 140–150 (

J. J. Oetomo, E. Vincens, F. Dedecker, J-C. Morel (2016) - "Modeling the 2D behavior of drystone retaining walls by a fully discrete element method", in Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, to publish.

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Itasca Consultants S.A.S
64 Chemin des mouilles
FR-69134 Ecully Cedex

© 2017 Itasca Consultants S.A.S.