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Dear clients,
Itasca Consultants AB (Sweden) has conducted a study on optimal ore pass orientation, with respect to stress orientations, for the LKAB Malmberget Mine. A brittle (cohesion-weakening, friction-strengthening) material model was used, and a range of different parameters, including location, orientation and rock mass strength, was analyzed. All the modeling was conducted using FLAC with input stresses obtained from a mine-scale FLAC3D model. The results are to be used as a basis for design decisions regarding the future new main haulage level at the Malmberget Mine. The initial part of this work involved calibrating the material model parameters against observed spalling failure in a ventilation shaft in Malmberget. Only the brittle material model could capture the shape and extent of observed spalling, as shown below. This work will be presented in detail in the upcoming symposium on Design Methods in Underground Mining, in Perth, Nov 17-19. |
Observed spalling failure in ventilation shaft (left) and yielding in calibrated model (right) |
Current Updates:
Itasca will host introductory training courses in Europe:
ITASCA offices regularly organize customized training courses for their clients. The training courses are designed to fit individual user needs and experience. Instruction is available either at Itasca or at the client's location. If you are interested in planning and purchasing a customized software training course, please contact your local agent. |
Itasca and/or representative will be attending the following conferences:
Conference | Date | Place |
Eurock 2015 | 7-10 October, 2015 | Salzburg, Austria |
Slope Stability Symposium | 12-14 October, 2015 | Cape Town, South Africa |
Finnish Rock Mechanics Day | 29 October, 2015 | Helsinki, Finland |
Design Methods in Underground Mining | 17-19 November, 2015 | Perth, Australia |
6th Geotechnical Symposium | 26-27 November, 2015 | Adana, Turkey |
4th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling | 7-9 March, 2016 | Lima, Perú |
7th International Symposium on In-Situ Rock Stress | 10-12 May 2016 | Tampere, Finland |
8th International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Underground Construction | 12-14 September 2016 | Luleå, Sweden |
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 16th National Congress | 13-15 October 2016 | Erzurum, Turkey |
Tran M. H., Sulem J., Subrin D. and Billaux D. (2015) - "Anisotropic Time-Dependent Modeling of Tunnel Excavation in Squeezing Ground", in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-015-0717-y
Ghazal R., Mas Ivars D., Johansson F. and Batres-Estrada R. (2015) - "Back analysis of in situ stress at shallow depth using discontinuum numerical modeling - a case study at the Odenplan station in Stockholm". Proceedings of Eurock 2015, Salzburg, Austria (October 2015)
Vatcher, J., S. D. McKinnon and J. Sjöberg (2015) – "Developing 3-D mine-scale geomechanical models in complex geological environments, as applied to the Kiirunavaara Mine", in Engineering Geology (in press,
Moreno J., Senis M. and Olalla C. (2015) "Aspectos necesarios a introducir en la modelización numérica 3D de las presas de escollera con pantalla de hormigón para reproducir correctamente las tensiones en el elemento de impermeabilización ", In X Jornadas Españolas de Presas, Spancold, Sevilla (18-20 February 2015)
Graf F., te Kamp L., Auer M., Acharya M. and W. Wu (2015) – “Soil aggregate stability in eco-engineering: comparison of field and laboratory data with an outlook on a new modelling approach”, in Recent Advances in Modeling Land-slides and Debris Flows. Springer Series Geomechanics and Geoengineering, pp. 29-47.
Wu W., Switala BM., Acharya M., Tamagnini R., Auer M., Graf F., te Kamp L. and W. Xiang (2015) – “Effect of vegetation on stability of soil slopes: numerical aspects”, in Recent Advances in Modeling Landslides and Debris Flows. Springer Series Geomechanics and Geoengineering, pp. 163-177.
Amo A., Silvestre A., Prieto V. and P. Velasco (2014) - "Modelling in L.A.", in Tunnels and Tunnelling (October-November 2014), pp. 42-47.
Tran, V.H., Vincens E., Morel J.C., Dedecker F. and HH. Le (2014) – “2D-DEM modelling of the formwork removal of a rubble stone masonry bridge”, in Engineering Structures, 75, pp. 448-456.
Oetomo J., Vincens E., Dedecker F. and J.C. Morel (2014) – “Discrete Element Method to assess the 2D failure of dry stone retaining walls” in Proceedings, 9th IMC (7-9 July, 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal), paper 1432.
Maillot, J., P. Davy, R. Le Goc, C. Darcel and M. Stigsson. (2014) – “Comparison between Poissonian and mechanically-oriented DFN models for the prediction of permeability and flow channeling”, in Proceedings, Discrete Fracture Network Engineering(Vancouver, Canada, October 19-22, 2014).
Le Goc, R., C. Darcel, P. Davy, M. Pierce and M.A. Brossault. (2014) – “Effective elastic properties of 3D fractured systems”, in Proceedings, Discrete Fracture Network Engineering (Vancouver, Canada, October 19-22, 2014).
Davy, P., R. Le Goc and C. Darcel (2014) – “A non-Poissonian, likely-universal, fracture model for hardrock DFN”, in Proceedings, Discrete Fracture Network Engineering(Vancouver, Canada, October 19-22, 2014).
Darcel, C., R. Le Goc, P. Davy and I. Olofsson (2014) – “Including variability into a quantitative DFN modeling approach – application to SKB sites”, in Proceedings, Discrete Fracture Network Engineering(Vancouver, Canada, October 19-22, 2014).
Sjöberg, J. and T. Savilahti (2014) – “Caving in the Fabian Orebody - from Mining Stope to Cave Crater in Malmberget”, in Proceedings 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium. Rock Mechanics for Global Issues – Natural Disasters, Environment and Energy (14–16 October, 2014, Sapporo, Japan), Shimizu, N., Kaneko, K. Kodama, J. (eds.), pp. 1421–1430.
Vatcher, J., S. D. McKinnon and J. Sjöberg (2014) – “Mine-scale numerical modelling, seismicity and stresses at Kiirunavaara Mine, Sweden”, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Deep and High Stress Mining (16–18 Sept, 2014, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada), Hudyma, M., Potvin, Y,. (eds.), pp. 363–376.
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